All titles below click and open in a new window.
Schedule of Committee Meetings
Who Votes at Committee Meetings?
Area 28 White Book (White Pages)
Listen as though you have no opinion
Preamble of Alcoholics Anonymous
The Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
The Six Warranties in Concept Twelve
The Twelve Concepts for World Service*
*Linked with the permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. A.A.W.S. has not approved, endorsed, or reviewed this website, nor is it affiliated with it, and the ability to link to does not imply otherwise.
Preamble of General Service Area 28 Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous
The Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous shall always be a service body and shall protect and respect the autonomy and the privilege of dissent of the Group Conscience of the Area. In the course of deliberations and discussions, the Assembly shall ever be mindful of the ideals expressed in the Twelve Traditions, the Twelve Concepts and the A.A. Service Manual, and shall strive to be the true voice and Group Conscience of the Area. Unity and service shall ever be the Assembly’s primary purpose, and it shall encourage all Area Groups to participate in the business of the Assembly and to support the Assembly in its efforts to cooperate with the A.A. General Service Office and A.A. World Services. The Assembly is specifically charged with the duty of electing a delegate to the General Service Conference and to provide the delegate financial support to assist him or her in the course of performing the duties of the office. The Assembly is further charged with electing an alternate delegate to the General Service Conference and to elect such Area Officers it deems necessary.